Does the Nondetection 10 feet limit only apply to objects?


I tried looking it up for questions related to nondetection here, and also did a quick google search about it, but I couldn't find an answer sadly. So, the spell nondetection has the following text:

The target can be a willing creature or a place or an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension.

Now, I am unfamiliar with when there are multiple categories and one restriction. Does the no larger than 10 feet apply to the object or all 3 of creature, place or object?

I've been wondering, because I don't remember places that would really fit the 10x10 restriction. Even if you wouldn't count the entire building, cave, etc. most rooms are bigger than 10x10 and most hallways are longer than 10ft, so I don't really see what "place" one would really target with this spell.

In the text you quote from the Nondetection abjuration spell (PHB, p.263), the language suggests that the "no larger than 10 feet in any dimension" refers to the object because of the use of "or" to separate the three options. If it read "x, y and z" instead then it would be a different matter.

Additionally, the spells that refer to creature's size in D&D 5e 2014 tend to use sizing terminology like Small, Medium or Large (PHB, p.191). The space that a Large creature occupies is 10 by 10 ft. but if the spell meant to exclude creatures that are larger than Large, then it would state so - like in the Enlarge/Reduce spell for instance. Also, it talks of a "willing creature". The willing part will not apply to a place or object.

I read is as three separate target options, but you can rule otherwise as a DM. Saying that, at my table and other tables I've played at, I've never come across a situation in which a creature was excluded because it occupied more than 10 feet.

However, this does bring up something a bit tricky and that is the "place". I mean what is considered a place in D&D 5e 2014 rules: a room, a house, a castle, ... a village?! You get my drift. You will need to decide how to interpret this. Personally, to avoid the spell being abused I would not allow anything bigger than a house to be masked by Nondetection, but it is unclear.

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